
Mohammad Tariq, CEO


Prior to hiring Taqniaty, I had been intrigued by their work for some time, but the timing wasn’t right. That all changed a year ago when we had an internal project that focused on web design and development. The project we ultimately hired Taqniaty for was a 12-week project, which was a full web redesign with design, development and branding. The project was a success, and we were very pleased with the work Taqniaty did. I’ve worked with a lot of agencies in the past, but I’ve rarely had the feeling that I got with Taqniaty, that we were aligned and working together as true partners. They checked off both boxes of our internal objectives. Everything was pointing in the right direction like website traffic, time on our website, and click through for our newsletter. We now consider Taqniaty a valuable resource. We recommend them to our portfolio of companies and continue to do work together through those companies. Mohammad Tariq, CEO,