We rank each and every service/product of businesses based on customer stories personally verified by reputedfirms. We also go through the company's full credit check, social media presence, and business standings.
We manually cross-check each business’s legal status before onboarding to our website. Reputedfirms is not a business listing website but a trustable business ranking platform.
It’s essential to know how print media and digital media tell about a business. It is also vital to understand how the company advertises itself to the outside world.
What their existing customers say about a business is the primary metric we check when we research a business.
A simple 5-star rating can’t explain how experienced they are in each skill. We process every skill/features of a business and validate separately to give better business suggestions.
Reputedfirms collects reviews and ratings on each factor you value when you consider a business. A more powerful metric than some standard testimonial.
We take into account the fact that any business can outperform at any time. We periodically collect recent business activity and customer stories to ensure this.
And we will forward it to the top five matching businesses based on your specification and budget.