
iTechArt Group

Custom software development company

Min budget: $5000Hourly rate: $25-$35
Office Locations(1): New York

From 1 Customer story
(0 stories in last 6 months)

iTechArt successfully met the complex needs of our projects. We started with the development of iOS & Android apps. Their technical expertise and dedication was more than just great, so that’s why we turned to them to develop our web platform. Overall, the team is proactive and able to meet the deadlines. We are more than happy working with them. - Kids Academy, Kids Academy

(Reputedfirms/Partner personally interviewed the client. Read full customer story)

Recent customer review

Core strengths


  • mobile app development


  • python
  • reactjs

Core strengths


mobile app development

About iTechArt Group

Founded In: 2002Employee Strength: 1000-5000
ios app developmentmobile app developmentquality assurancesoftware developmentweb

iTechArt is a leading custom software development company with a talent pool of 2700+ experienced engineers. With a heavy focus on web and mobile development, we help startups and fast-growing tech companies build successful and scalable products that users love.

Customer base of iTechArt Group (from 1 location)

Business foucs: Clients from the following industries


  • educational services

Clients from the following industries


educational services

iTechArt Group's Customer stories and projects

From 1 Customer story (0 story in last 6 months)
New York, New York, United States

Kids Academy


mobile app development

python, reactjs

iTechArt successfully met the complex needs of our projects. We started with the development of iOS & Android apps. Their technical expertise and dedication was more than just great, so that’s why we turned to them to develop our web platform. Overall, the team is proactive and able to meet the deadlines. We are more than happy working with them. - , CTO, educational services company*

Read full customer story

*RF Verified Non-disclosable Customer

Company locations

United States
New York, NY, United States