Integrio Systems

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Ann Murphy, General Manager
, 123Signup


At the end of 2014, 123Signup decided to end an unsatisfactory relationship with the development services company with which we had previously contracted. Integrio Systems was recommended to me by one of our sister companies. The business relationship began in May 2015 and continues to the present day. At the time Integrio took over the management of the software development tasks for 123Signup, our software offering, a cloud-based membership and event registration service, was in desperate need of modernization. Integrio assumed responsibility for the entire software product from maintenance of our legacy product to design and implementation of our ongoing upgrades. They also assumed management of our IT infrastructure, facilitating our transition from hosting our own servers to the Amazon Web Services platform, with accompanying security upgrades. Integrio’s software development expertise coupled with their collaborative and innovative approach made them the ideal partner. Integrio’s efforts resulted in a much-improved competitive position vis-à-vis our competitors in the market. Ann Murphy, General Manager, 123Signup